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Tag: Change Management

  • Lost art of Skill

    When I was young, I watched for the first time a competition for conductors called the Malko Competition. If you do not know of it, it is 24 upcoming conductors, 25-30-ish old, that work with a pro-orchestra. They work through pieces of music and perform them with the orchestra in front of a jury and…

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  • The religion of choice

    Business frameworks and methodologies can start out as a way to improve processes and achieve specific goals. But over time, the methodology can become an end in itself. People become invested in the method and resist breaking from it, even when it becomes clear that the framework is not yielding the desired results. Instead of…

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  • Now let me tell you a story.

    Enterprise Architecture is storytelling, explaining a complex system in constant motion. Better stories equip us for the future, but our models have shortcomings. Like science, we are constantly working with incomplete theories and models, making mistakes and taking bad decisions. Great EA is about evolving models, challenging assumptions. It’s inventing new theory, testing it, and…

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  • How low can you go?

    Enterprise Architecture (EA) should not limit or simplify its discipline to meet the business “at eye level”. By working with complex and intricate models, EA can help organizations gain deep insights and improve decision-making granularity. While change management may not be the core competency of EA, it may be critical for EA’s success.

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  • AI Worries

    Amidst the excitement around AI, one expert admits their fear and concerns. The fast-evolving technology leaves little room for a learning curve and inevitable mistakes, raising serious questions around AI’s alignment problem. With progress in capabilities far exceeding progress in alignment or even understanding, the stakes are high. As experts debate, caution is advised, but…

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